Fixed Income Securities

A type of debt instrument that pays fixed interest and repayments of the face value upon maturity of the security. These may be issued by the government or corporations to finance their needs.

Peso Denominated Securities

Treasury Bills

These are short term investments issued by the Republic of the Philippines with tenors ranging from 91 day, 182 day and 364 days.

Peso Government Bonds

These are debt instruments issued by the Republic of the Philippines to finance public expenditures. These may be issued from as short as 3 years to as long as 25 years.

Peso Corporate Bonds

These are debts issued by SEC-registered company to raise its capital. These may be medium to long term investments.

Dollar Denominated Securities

ROP Bonds

Foreign currency denominated bonds (in USD) issued by the Republic of the Philippines with fixed rate coupon payments at a specified future date.

Dollar Corporate Bonds

Foreign currency denominated bonds (in USD) issued by corporations with fixed rate coupon payments at a specified future date.